Стихотворение «You weren't at my parties»
Тип: Стихотворение
Раздел: Лирика
Тематика: Любовная лирика
Баллы: 2
Читатели: 470 +1

You weren't at my parties

You weren't at my parties, you weren't in my parts,
When I was the King of the Nothing,
When I was the nothing of glamorous arts,
Sleepwalker to sorrow from laughing.

You come to my parties, you come to my parts
To stop my catastrophic falling,
When parties are over, the consequence starts,
But you are my light of the morning.

And you are the hope of my squandered hearts,
My quietness now has a flavour,
You weren't at my parties, you weren't in my parts,
I thank you for coming, my savior!

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 Автор: Олька Черных