Стихотворение «Good bye»
Тип: Стихотворение
Раздел: Лирика
Тематика: Философская лирика
Читатели: 279 +1

Good bye

Throughout the time you've always been around
And held my hand through all the ups and downs.
You helped me rise when I was on the ground
And calmed me down when I was trying crowns.

And I just loved you jokes and gentle teasing
We've shared some laughs and memories together.
And when I'd call, your phone was never busy,
You'd always come no matter what the weather.

We've shared so much, we went through heat and f-r-e-e-z-e-s
I felt you heart in sync with mine in battles
You fought with me and made it look so easy
You stood your ground and never lost your mettle

You were so strict and yet so full of mercy
You've sought for truth and stuff that really mattered
Your life has taught me how to be a better person
Good bye, my friend, you'll always be remembered....

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 Автор: Олька Черных