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Memoirs of a space scout (Воспоминания комического разведчика)

this energy from God and the rest is the same”.
    “Maybe, – agreed Chon. – I don’t know how you fly, but we need a stable astral tunnel, created by a quark ray. Astral storms can throw you away very far and usually we don’t risk”.
    “What if we try together, your quark reactors and me, i.e. God?”
    “You are daydreaming. – laughed Chon, sitting on his knees and caressing his hair. -  But if you want to experiment, I’ll ask Dad about it and maybe he will be curious enough to agree”.
    He was. And they tried. God knows why, but the ship leaped without distortions directly to the Vega astro-port. Colonel Tan laughed and winked Ole:
    “You are a talisman.  It really works. Maybe, you’ll work for us as a pilot?“
    “Yes, you bring good luck, - added Chon. – That’s real and very important. All astro-fliers know that technology is not enough and that a pilot must have his own energy impulse for success. You have it and it’s very strong.”      
    “OK. – agreed Oleg. – Why not? That’s interesting and I’m glad to be of some help. And that’s my dream too. Like you.”
         She laughed happily with a silver bell voice and her green eyes shined like a binary green star, rare but possible and real, if you wait and search.
    On Vega she as a guide introduced him to the wonders of super-civilization. They flied and travelled all days long, watched realistic for Chon and fantastic for Oleg films in the evenings at home by Internet TV, enjoyed vivid colorful dreamy paintings and all sorts of music. Rhythmic, energetic in Oleg’s taste too. If you search, you can find everything, even if it’s not as popular as on Earth. Their meditative music was also effective and inspiring. He relaxed completely and felt himself at home. Yes, this world was in resonance with his dreams and could stay here for ever. He even forgot his whistling, which so intrigued Chon and the whole team of the ship on the remote planet. Here it was unneeded, he was tuned to new life and its opportunities by Chon or her love.
    Flights also continued. They supplied Vega’s good to several Galaxy civilizations and on a secret mission – weapons to the neighbor spiral galaxy in Triangle to allies in a planetary war, fighting for freedom and independence, in exchange for their spiritual art, exotic for Vega but well-selling in the Internet, mainly icons of local religions.  Oleg thought of earthly paintings as   products for sale and could imagine here only impressionists and Chinese-Japanese artists. They were positive enough to suit Vegian harmonic tastes. The rest was too earthly or destructive. Films could not compete too, except Chinese kung-fu or Japanese karate and ninja heroes in Hollywood hits. Russian films were too depressive or complicated. Like Russian history and national psychology.  He was a Russian and did not forget it, but as a realist understood that to survive here he must change and become optimistic and civilized. Or refined and sublimed. For Vega’s culture and art sex meant less than love and children, there was no generation gap here and parents helped to choose matches, relying on their life experience, so families were stable and divorces were rare. Astrology was used too like in India and young men were well prepared for marriage and their duties. So girls were not afraid develop friendly relations with men and to love. Everything in Vega was both spiritual and natural, he understood that Chon’s trust to him was typical too and appreciated Vega even more.
    Finally, true to himself, he decided to try his chance in art too. Whistled his space tunes to his disk-recorder and offered it to Chon for sale in the Internet. She had a popular site and offered it there for download. Copyrights in Vega are registered automatically at the first public use or broadcast and Internet there is a real mass media, more convenient and popular then ordinary television, because you can choose the time of use yourself. Reaction to Ole Tum’s whistle compositions was confused. They sounded strange to all but attracted attention and raised curiosity. They didn’t resemble anything familiar and visitors of the site didn’t know what to do about them - listened, left and returned back to listen again. Some bought and downloaded, some wrote comments and questions, some reported it in their own sites as Chon’s whim. Soon everybody knew about her protégée and she got the reputation of a queer fish. It appealed to her sense of humor and she enjoyed the game. Her last name Tan meant “mystery” and she turned out to be a good actress, playing the role, though in reality she considered everything plain and simple. The key to Ole Tum’s music for her was Oleg, she now knew very well, but for others it remained a riddle and an intrigue. So gradually Ole Tum became a music star and forgot his past. But it didn’t forget him.
    As an astral warrior he felt all threats at distance and learned about some new problems on Earth.
    “I must go home, - he said one fine morning to Chon. – Or some innocent people will be killed”
    “Your home is here, but if you need to help someone go at any moment. I won’t miss you a bit. I’ll be busy with my problems too and shall have no time for sorrow.”
    “OK, - he kissed her and disappeared right before her eyes, melting in the air like a hologram or a ghost. – Good bye. I love you”. These were his last words, already from emptiness, or from the other space.    

    So he was on Earth in Russia. It was dark night but he saw very well the man with a gun behind the tree, waiting for someone to pass by. Yes, it was a killer. Intuition didn’t deceive Oleg and was ready to act. He stretched out a hand and took from emptiness or some distant place a knife. His favorite steel friend from the past he nearly forgot.
    A girl appeared on the road. The killer put his hand with the gun into the pocket and moved ahead to the girl.
   “Here is the target”, - thought Oleg and moved ahead too. The killer walked quickly, but Oleg much quicker. At the moment, when the man took out the gun, Oleg was right behind him with his knife and pierced him in the back to the heart.
    The girl saw it and cried, but immediately calmed down and smiled. She recognized Oleg and he recognized her. It was Irina, his pupil and girl-friend, who went home to her village and didn’t return. He thought she forgot him and went to space for adventure, where he met Chongui-Tan. But now she was here, beautiful and serene as always. Her next move was an embrace and a kiss, a long kiss to the lips. And he remembered everything he tried to leave behind. She was calm and sweet, attractive and simple as his steel knife. Yes, she was real and he could rely on her again, if he decided to live on Earth. For now he had to choose, between two planets and two girls. And he knew that he needed both and could not leave either. He was not a Muslim to have two wives and they could not be joined in one place, but he could not betray Chon too.
    All these thoughts and feelings passed through his mind in some seconds after the kiss and he realized his difficult situation to the marrow of one's bones. But didn’t say a word and drew Irina by her hand quickly away from the corpse. Old problems arose again and old enemies were still alive and active. It was a new war. And he was challenged into a trap. Either he fled, or was caught like a killer himself. That was their plan. But he had his own opinion about it. He took out his knife and stretched it ahead, concentrated and switched on the flame along the blade, cleaning it from the killer’s blood. Just to be on the safe side and put the knife back to emptiness or some unknown place. No trace, no chase.That was his favorite saying, he composed himself. He was a new-type ninja and was very difficult to catch.
   They walked silently hand in hand along a park valley on red and yellow leaves, well seen even in the night under the lamps. She started the explanation the first, simple and direct as usual:
   “You know, you have a daughter. I was hiding in the village because I was afraid some one would use my weakness and make problems for you. But now I’m OK and I’m back.”
   He was taken aback: “Really?” – and he had nothing to add. It explained everything and left him no choice. All was decided in Heaven and he had only to accept his fate.  
   His life on Vega was just a dream, as an earthling he was tied to his civilization eternally and could not escape even when he could. He wrote a letter to Chon and put it on her table through the five-dimensional space, he used to teleport. “Good bye, my dream, for ever and forgive me for my involuntary deceit. I’ll remember you to the end of my life. And we’ll meet in Heaven, if you don’t forget and love as I love you”. That was the end of the letter and of the dream. A man is a man and an alien is an alien. Their ways are different and they never meet. At least now when Earth is a problem to all including earthlings themselves.
    In a year one autumn evening a bright star appeared in the western part of the sky, unusually bright and slowly moving over the forest. Oleg noticed it as walked along the street and stopped to watch. “Yes, it’s not a planet because it moves too fast. It must be a UFO. – realized Oleg. - Who can it be?” He concentrated and saw in his inner vision the face of Chongui-Tan. She was smiling and there was a baby in her hands. Yes, it was another surprise of fate and its music too. He passed through astral directly to the ship and stood before her.
    “What’s its name?”
    “His. – Chon corrected him with a smile. - He is a boy. His name means “music”. He is the heir for you compositions and a very rich man, because they are very popular now. And stable hits unlike other music. I even sell them now to space”.
    “So, you don’t forget me…”  
    “No. And there is nothing to forgive. Good bye”.

A starry night with Moon
Feeds by a silver spoon
With the nectar of life.
Calm like a steel knife
I go along the shore
From a fantasy book store,
Watching the sleeping sea
And all I can not see.
Reality is rude and rough,
Fantasy is a selling stuff
And my free imagination
Shows me space nations,
Quests on our poor Earth
From all over the universe.

Our past was science and rebellions,
Our future may be UFOs and aliens.
Changes come gradually and unexpectedly
But finally in the full specter.  
Humanity always finds some hopes,
Prompted by psychics and horoscopes.
But the true solution of our problems
Is not tied with revolutions or space probes.
If you can only really see it,
It’s at all times in the spirit.
Without ethics there is no civilization,
Without esthetics there is no nation.
Creator is the only Lord,
My main hope is Almighty God.


    Monya Sterkin was a Jew and a plumber. Born on the 4.2.1962, when all the seven visible planets gathered in Aquarius, the sign of the new coming age, expected by esoteric occultists, theosophists a astrologers as the cosmic age of extraterrestrial cooperation. As a Jew he had ambitions, inspired by the long history of his people, and didn’t want to live an ordinary life, repairing pans. Some Jews satisfy their ambitions by musical talents, some – by scientific discoveries, some – by successful business. So ambitions are not bad at all, if they are a stimulus for work, but Monya’s job gave him no space for aspirations and dreams and he had to find something else. In passport his date of birth was 1.2.1962, because he was born at home, was not registered in time and later they put into the birth certificate just the beginning of the month. His mother didn’t like doctors and hospitals and his father didn’t like state, authorities and all official procedures. They didn’t like Russia in general and considered their motherland Israel but did not immigrate because of Arab wars and terrorism. Unlike other Zionists they were cowards and did not very much believe in God. Who was so cruel and unpredictable …
    Monya was brought up as a very cautious man too. He didn’t believe anybody, even other Jews and didn’t like Judaism for its strict moral rules and the problems it caused to Jews in their history. They were alien to pagan peoples and had to fight for their beliefs or to flee and hide. In the Christian era they even didn’t have their own state and any place to live independently. Christians were to blame, Muslims were to blame, Russian were to blame, Communists were to blame, God was to blame … The whole world was wrong and Monya hated everything and everyone.
    His chance for a revenge on everybody was in his horoscope. His mother explained it to him when he became a youth and could already keep secrets. She said that such concentration of planets in Aquarius made him an unusual man and that there are many people in America who might accept him as their political and religious leader, not only Jews but Masons too. The only thing he had to do was to attract Satan, playing the role of his son, a devoted Satanist. Satan was the king of the physical world and gave money and power to his servants all over the world. It was an army of potential followers, who could destroy any obstacles to his success. It must become a secret world rein of fear and death for all Christians and anti-Semites. It was all predicted in Talmud and Christian books, so why not? He was the right man for the role and he must try.
   His mother initiated him to black magic ceremonies. Though he didn’t believe Satan too, he agreed to go the course to the end. Why not try? And it worked. He suddenly became a psychic, began to feel other people’s emotions and thoughts at a distance, before they expressed them aloud. He had visions and voices, prompting him what to do, and it all was proved by real events in his life. So Satan was real and strong, more real than God, who was too remote to be prayed to. It was a chance to become somebody real too and Monya plunged to astral world completely, making acquaintance with Satan and demons directly as an obedient pupil and their hope for a revenge on Christ, for his “disobedience” and “pride”. Satan wanted to become God himself and Jesus was for him a rival, his cult annoyed Satan and he planned to abolish Christianity with the help of the rival religion, Monya should start, and Satanists.
   Monya’s mother taught him all methods of deceiving Russians and finally sent him to Federal Security Service (KGB), where he offered himself as a spy to be planted to Israel. They tried and Monya got access to Mossad through Internet under their control. He told about his birthday and Israeli Jew were strongly intrigued. They knew about this horoscope very well for many years and accepted him as a candidate, who had only to prove his abilities and skills. Russians understood that Jews were interested and make on Monya a serious stake. As Communists they didn’t believe either in God, or in Satan and  treated Monya’s project as a game. So he got a cart blanch for experiment and started his planned mission in the USA, through the Jewish lobby in all spheres of American life.
    Jewish billionaires got interested in him too. Religion is tied with politics and politics – with business.   So why not invest in his ideas some spare money and see how it works? Monya asked for one hundred billions for himself personally as a donation to Messiah (or Mosheah). They were a little bit surprised by the amount but promised everything he asked, because promises are not money itself and cost nothing. But his appetites cautioned them and they really gave not a cent. They needed a servant and not a lord. But Monya looked too independent not to be controlled. And he lived in Russia, where Jews were different from American, because they gave up religion with Communists and tried for many years to undermine capitalism all over the world, striving for world domination without American billionaires and ready to sacrifice them to their ideology like the rest of capitalists. Karl Marx was a Jew too but he was not billionaires’ friend. As well as Lenin or Hitler, who had Jewish gens but served not Judaism or Jewish people but their ideologies and personal interests as leaders of the herds. So Monya deceived everybody but the most rich, who had instincts for real politics and didn’t believe anybody too. They were more experienced in affaires and intrigues and a Russian Jew for them was not a teacher or a chief, though openly they did not refuse him because of his Israeli support. America and Israel are political allies, but to a certain rational extent, in some questions there views maybe different, though they never quarrel and show these differences to others. Such were also all Jews in general, they proclaimed national unity to each other, though in reality always preferred personal interests. When they coincided, they were one, but when they diverged, they deceived each other too.
    Monya Sterkin was a contradiction in everything he believed and did. He disliked Russians but was alien to ordinary Jews and married s Russian girl, Mila. She was simpler to deal with than Jewish girls, who irritated him by their high demands, he could not immediately satisfy, and attempts to control all his life. Mila was simple and silly, as he thought at that time, and was ready to do without questions all her home work and serve him in all he asked. She was convenient and he valued his own comfort above all religious and political games. She was beautiful enough to satisfy his masculine ambitions and was a good alibi for Russians, proving he was not a nationalist, a Zionist.
    Mila was not as silly as he though and had broad religious interests. She wanted to study astrology and meditation, and finally became a disciple of a Stavropol astrologer Oleg Tumanov, who taught not only astrology but Yoga and Christianity as well. On her birthday Tumanov got acquainted with Monya at her home and that was the start of a new line of events, parallel to Sterkin’s games with security services. Mila asked Oleg to make Monya’s horoscope and gave him his birth data the passport. Oleg knew about the antichrist’s horoscope too and was surprised to find a similar horoscope so close to him. He was a psychic and on the basis of the horoscope he felt that Monya is playing a game, imitating Antichrist as a FSS agent for Mossad and CIA.
  Tumanov’s first wife Lilya had some Jewish gens (he learned about it only after the marriage) and her mother lived not far from Monya in the Jewish district of the town. Lilya told him about their Jewish relatives in Stavropol FSS (KGB) and he thought that Monya had some local support, because Jews usually helped each other in all spheres of life. Monya’s game was his own business and Oleg left him alone, because he had some problems with FSS, which tried unsuccessfully to recruit him and was offended by his refusal.
   Tumanov’s experience with Jews before that was positive, because his teacher in astrology was a 100% Russian Jew and another Jew taught him modern mathematics. So he did not envy Jews their intellect and influence in politics. He just knew it and took into account, though he read a lot about Jewish Masons in America and Christian books about Antichrist. He believed like other Russians that Antichrist might live in America, the center of his possible secret kingdom, based on Jewish money and Masonic secret organizations, and that Russia was opposed to his control in spite of all Masonic attempts to abolish its economical and

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