Стихотворение «What is goodness?»
Тип: Стихотворение
Раздел: Лирика
Тематика: Свободолюбивая лирика
Читатели: 36 +1

What is goodness?

Kindness is pretence
Behind which rotten people hide.
And if you’re sincere,
You might be alive.

You can remove the vicious mask
Can put on the real smile
Then you’ll learn to genuinely ask,
Will follow a clean line.

It must be a joke
If you think you’re truly good.
But how else to raise the folk?
Only grow the sacred wood.

Many years we were taught
To be fair, but kind.
And I guess we were caught
In the trap in our mind.

Standard is to be artificially pure
Whilst only gold is solid.
But we’re not even fucking sure
If tomorrow’s gonna be squalid!

However we’re not Jesus
To get rid of all the dark.
Good is not without malice.
To your nature try to hark.

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 Автор: Олька Черных