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American dream (Американская мечта)

of a spy in America, when he fell in love with a cinema actress and she agreed to marry him. She couldn’t leave her profession and he couldn’t leave her, so they transferred him to internal services without loss of rank. So in my choice his gens work too. He will understand me and I think my mother can come here to see her grandson.
 - OK, let it be.
  Marina Mihailova turned out to be a very young-looking, polite and reserved woman. She spent all her time with Alex, sang him songs and walked with him on the beach. She told Oleg about Russian film production, which was in a crisis, because it lacked money and ideas. She looked disappointed with her life and was happy that her daughter was on the wave.
 - Success is not eternal, do your best now. God knows what will be in the future, but the son will be yours for ever. By the way your father decided to change his job to politics, to become a Governor, after your film, I suppose.
 -  That’s interesting and reasonable. With a US daughter he will easier attract investments. In such circumstances we could visit Russia.
 - You can visit us any way. There are no problems.
 - Some his colleges might misunderstand Olga’s role in the film. But we will come if he accepts a deal.
 - I’ll tell him all you suggest.
 - If he goes to Stavropol, my birth town, and cleans local security services of the fools, who spoiled my life there, he sees personally his grandson.
 - You left Russia because of them?
 - I might be successful there too, as a poet, for example, or a fantasy writer. But they left me no choice.
 - Well, I think it’s possible. I can influence his decisions and I promise that he will accept it.
     In a month they were in Stavropol, the motherland of Andropov and Gorbachov, two heads of state, and many other influential Russian politicians.
 - Do you know why Stavropol politicians changed the fate of Russia and of the whole world? –Tumanov asked General Mihailov.
 - No, but I wondered. It can’t be pure coincidence.
 - The secret is Stavropol’s horoscope; it’s very similar to the horoscope of the United States. Stavropol was founded in 1777, a year after, and Pluto stands in the same sign, Capricorn, which gives effectiveness in secret affairs. Andropov became the chief security man and Gorbachov followed him, deceiving all dogmatists. Stavropol is Scorpio, the 22nd of October by the old style; it’s a sign of secrecy too. So you are in the right place for the start of your real career.
 - That’s why you chose America for the continuation of your creativity? Yes, I feel at home there. Gorbachev’s mutual understanding with Americans ended the Cold War and made possible such people like me.
 - Well, that’s interesting, no one told me about it before.
 - FSS thinks it knows everything, but it’s an illusion.
 - Now I know it and I’m still in FSS. Ha-ha-ha! It’s a joke. I’ve made a stake on my daughter and lost the game so according to our unwritten code of morals I must leave.
 - Never thought they have morals.
 - I have and that’s enough. Your three enemies in Stavropol department interfered not only in your life, after accurate examination I fired them. They moved to private business security.
 - To dance on their bones I’ll make a film about it.
 - On the next elections I hope to become a Governor. To win popularity I’m going to clear the town of all I can. People are tired of corruption and abuses and want a strong hand.
 - Good luck! I’m going back in a week but Olga can stay here a month or two. Miami Governor invited me to his elections support team and I decided to join.
 - Really? Fine! And what do you have to do?
 - Advertise him on TV like a new brand of cheese. Show all how he is delicious and useful for health. He pays for it very good but I’ll do it for fun and return support. He has many friends.
 - Do you go to politics too?
 - Oh, no. I just want to be protected from other politicians, if they don’t like my films or something else.  


 -  Can you really write fantasy? – was the first Olga’s question after her return to Miami.
  - I have a short fantastic story in Russian.
  - Let’s make a fantasy film.
  - OK. We must try something new.
  Tumanov had his own view on aliens and UFOs, he was sure they were completely human and were our relatives by gens, coming from common ancient civilizations, where reasonable life appeared and developed to modern forms. So if you know men, the other side of the moon, you can understand extraterrestrials too. He had a long break in film production and now speeded it up. The film about a Vega girl in love with an Earth space scout went on TV and had unexpected results. Nick phoned him with congratulations and said some UFO specialists want to talk to Tumanov.
 They came to Miami by a private plane and invited him for a flight to the Bermuda Triangle.
 - Do you believe in disappearances of planes here?
 - I’m afraid it is exaggerated.
 - You are right, but we received a message from a UFO, inviting us for an experiment today in the noon. And we want you to describe it in your next film.
 - OK, if there will be anything to describe.
 - The massage was real, so there is a chance.
  They were far in the sea when exactly at noon they saw six fire balls on all sides of the plane, approaching and forming an octahedron. Then they emitted rays of light, connecting each other, and all devices on the plane went off, engines too, but the aircraft continued to fly as if in weightlessness. In about ten minute the balls disappeared and everything switched on.
 - We could register them only by simple cameras, electronics didn’t work, and you saw them yourself.
 - Why did you choose me?
 - We received the message immediately after your film on TV and they said they are from Vega. How did you know it? We don’t believe in coincidence.
 - Me too. I studied space by extrasensory perception many years ago in Russia, when I practiced Agni-yoga, Roerich’s space teaching. And I felt that the nearest developed civilization is on Vega planets. That’s why I chose it for my fantasy.
- We supposed something like that. Though we thought it is intuition.
  - Creative intuition maybe extrasensory if the writer has undergone spiritual training.
  - You did?
  - Yes, for about twenty years.
  - OK. That explains it. And can we feel space like you?
  - After twenty years, perhaps. But there is no guarantee.

  Nick after the experiment changed profession too. He moved from CIA to some secret space research organization and from Los-Angeles to Miami to study the Bermuda Triangle.
 - Why do think it was here? What’s so special about it? - asked he Tumanov.
 - I think it was a joke; they just mock American sensationalism and fantasies. And no one would believe after all these lies it was true. So it’s just secrecy.
 - And what can we do about it now?
 - Nothing but a fantasy film. They don’t want any official contacts with Earth because its authorities are not ready. And other people don’t decide anything.
 - And what’s wrong with the authorities?
 - Oh, I don’t want to criticize. It’s none of my business. I’m only a fantasy writer. I studied it seriously in Russia and had only problems with security services. I don’t want any repetition.
 - OK. We’ll discuss it later.
 - After I make a film you can discuss it as much as you like. But outside the film I would rather not discuss it at all.
 - Are you afraid of something?
 - Oh, no. I just know that it’s useless. Politicians don’t think of anything but their interests. Aliens are not subordinate to them and have different views on life so they will not agree.
 - OK. I see what you mean. Perhaps, you are right.
 - If I was not they would contact authorities long ago.
 Soon Tumanov made the planned film “Bermuda experiment” and Nick with ufologists left him alone.
  Mihailov won the elections with a good percent and Olga told Miami Governor’s wife that her father was his analog in Russia. She was greatly surprised and next day Miami Governor, Harry Lane, invited them both for a business lunch in a restaurant.
 - I want to send an official offer to your father to exchange visits.
 - I’m sure he will accept it.
  And he did. Their status in Miami again changed, now it was politics and business. Many people thought of money from Russian investments but were afraid of local plutocracy and bureaucracy. Mahailov with his US daughter produced quite different impression and his past work in security services only proved his decisiveness. Finally, investors risked Stavropol and both Governors got additional political support.
  Tumanov didn’t want to spend time on business and politics but when Marina informed him that FSS forgave him the story with the stolen spy-girl and that Mihailov restored his influence in the Service, he relaxed. The less you have enemies the better.
  Nick got interested in Olga’s father too.
 - After the Cold War finished, security services lost their significance and unlimited financial resources. Now people there only waste their time. The most clever change profession, others look for problems to become useful again or just invent or create them.
 - And what about terrorism? – asked Tumanov.
 - It’s provoked by politicians. If we would leave them alone, they would leave us alone too.
 - Maybe. That’s why aliens don’t contact them. If they sell earthlings their technology, they will get competitors in space. And trade is the only reason for such contacts. They don’t need any exchange of information, because they pick it up from our TV, radio, computers, Internet, telephones – anything that emits any waves.
 - Really? It sounds logical, but how do you know?
 - I changed profession too. I was a space scout in Russian space intelligence.
 - In FSS?
 - No, it was quite different service. FSS doesn’t know about it. Otherwise they would try to control it and spoil everything by their stereotypes.
 - Why did you change profession? Wasn’t it interesting?
 - It was, for many years. But then I got tired and understood that aliens won’t help us with our problems, we must solve them ourselves.


  Next day Nick came again and raised the same topic.
 - Perhaps, we are behind Russians in space research. And some serious people in our country are alarmed. I have some questions from them or a telephone number for you to communicate without me. And he gave a sheet of paper with figures.
 - I won’t call. I’m now only a fantasy writer. And I see no reasons for alarm – Russians have no real results but information. And I’ll reproduce it in fantasy films if they get cash.
 - Oh, I see. It costs money.
 - Only if you can use it. They in Russia can’t, but I’ve found the way. And I need no sanction because no one takes it seriously. It’s just entertainment and fun.
 - OK. I must explain you. This is the US President in person. – And he again offered the number.
 - He is curious?
 - It’s a question of national security. Do you know that UFOs used weapons against us?
 - Only in return to demonstrate their feeling of justice. NATO should not attack them first.
 - Well, you are informed.
 - Oh, it’s not a secret source, I found it in the Internet, - and he laughed, taking the paper. – If it’s really the President, I’ll talk to him just out of curiosity.
 The President invited him for a personal meeting in three days, when he would come unofficially to Miami to have a rest at his villa. The main question was about alien weapons. Could they sell them to Russians, Americans or Chinese? The answer was negative and they turned to alien psychology and culture. That was closer to reality because Tumanov assimilated their principles into his own behavior.
 - You see, I’m an alien too, both for Russia and America. I survive and achieve success by their methods, especially Magellanian.
 - And what’s their essence?
 - You have a fantastic serial “Destroyer” about a ninja, killing criminals at the requests of the President.
 - I’ve read it. But was he a ninja?
 - It’s hidden in the name of his martial art – Sinanju.
 - Wow! I would never guess. And how did you find it out?
 - I know a lot about ninjas and I noticed it very quickly.
 - Interesting. And what does it all have to do with aliens?
 - Magellanians, inhabitants of Large Magellanic Cloud, are ninjas by their psychology; though to noiseless swords they prefer modern noiseless weapons, for example, lasers.
 - So your ninja films reflect space customs too?
 - Certainly, I’m an alien more than a ninja and I play in my films myself.
 - What do you mean?
 - I can work for you as a destroyer.
 - Ha-ha-ha! You are joking.
 - Yes, if you don’t need it.
 - OK, OK. You are a funny man and a good actor. You can convincingly play a ninja even with me. I nearly believed it.
 - You enemies can believe it too.
 - You can frighten to death anyone?
 - Yes, without a problem, if he is a criminal.
 - Well, that’s useful I also like jokes. And sometimes they prevent real troubles. If I need it, I’ll call you.
 - Without intermediaries.
 - OK.

 And he called. He didn’t mention their ninja talk but told him about a billionaire, who made his money by narcotic and illegal arms trade. He interfered in politics, buying or killing anyone on his way, with other people’s hands so that nothing could be proved. Them they discussed modern cinema and parted.
 That night drugs and arms billionaire was cruelly killed by some maniac. He cut off not only his head but also his ears, hands and feet. In the document, found in his safe, all his billions were donated to state hospitals, schools and art museums. Why he gave up his money and died remained an unsolved riddle. And Tumanov didn’t ever make a film about it so we can’t know for sure who it was, but we can guess as guessed the President. From that day their talks on art became regular, at least once a month. Tumanov was appointed the President’s consultant on UFO research, a secret but official post, which opened for him the doors of the White House and Washington political clubs.


 Olga went to Russia again, this time to Moscow, with her mother for casting in a Russian film. Hollywood would never see it but in Russia it went in cinema theaters and finally on the air. It was nothing special, just a love story, repeated in two generations, but she was accepted to the gild and got some official status in Russian cinema. Then she recorded an album of Russian songs and came back. The verses were Oleg’s old experiments, saved just by chance in his papers at Stavropol home and discovered during their last visit. His past was a mystery and Olga knew about him so little that each time, when something popped up, was surprised.
  Oleg came to Moscow too with a letter from the American President to his Russian counterpart, proposing cooperation in UFO research. He met with his former colleges from space intelligence and handed the document. They read it and promised to submit to the President, when he would be inclined to accept it. He waited for two weeks, watching Olga’s casting and when it was finished went back to the USA without any response. The previous Russian President allowed any researches and experiments; the new one was concentrated on his own ideas and interests and didn’t trust Americans. So Russian space intelligence was gradually dying and Tumanov was glad he left it before and didn’t get entrapped in the deadlock.
 The positive side of it was indifference to his fantasy films. No one accused him of breaking secrecy etc. He was forgotten completely and his results became his own intellectual property. New powers had new problems and aspirations and naturally didn’t care for the past. He was not disappointed because the job was already done and wished his former colleges good luck. FSS was busy, controlling business and economical processes, restoring its positions, lost during ideological reforms, and also didn’t care for him or his success. Moscow lived its own life and he felt himself alien on its streets among hurrying crowds. Olga’s formal success also didn’t hold her from going back and soon they were again in their happy home near the Bermuda Triangle where they met.
 There were no problems or tasks ahead and they decided to enlarge their family. It turned out to be a daughter, Nell, Nellie or Eleanor, "sun ray, shining light".
 When Tumanov already forgot about the American proposal, an answer came from Russia – “Yes”. After some negotiation Presidents agreed to start a common project - Space Security Service (SSS) and to appoint Tumanov its chief. For its headquarters he chose Miami and Stavropol, at distance from the state political centers to move away form national politics and to tune to space.
  As a part of the deal Tumanov got double citizenship and was subordinate to both Presidents directly. Nick became the chief if the American Department and Tumanov gathered all Russian space intelligence people. FSS and CIA with FIB were informed about the new organization and established official professional relations, their personnel was allowed to request for transfer to SSS without losses of status, rank and wages. In case of abolishing SSS all results were to be divided on equal terms and both national departments would become its legal heirs. Nick should remain the chief of the American one and Tumanov should return to Russia and head the Russian.  Then both organizations should continue close cooperation.
 Now we should fix Nick’s last name. It wasn't mentioned because Nick wouldn’t like it. But now as an official he became known as Colonel McCaskey and soon became a general.  Tumanov remained civilian and appointed General Mihailov his representative for FSS. He allowed SSS officers to work on any state posts and have private business, which allured many professionals from the traditional security organizations and very quickly he got all the staff he needed.
 They collected and exchanged all UFO visits and extraterrestrial contacts reports, checked and summed up the information and sent it to other agencies, including mass media to create a realistic picture and correct attitude towards the phenomena. Soon they came to the conclusion that alien’s appearance was different from the usual description, because all witnesses were under a hypnotic impact of astral fields, distorting their vision and memory. The fields were byproducts of alien technology, enabling flights through multidimensional space, and real appearance of extraterrestrials might be quite human. People under hypnosis had the same distortions and computer analysis discovered their identity to babies' vision of their mother due to unfocused eyes in the first days of their life.
 Then SSS created a network of one hundred transmission stations to send messages to UFOs and receive theirs if any. They chose best works of art with cosmic dimension, which might be close to alien culture and might appeal to alien tastes. Tumanov's films were included too. UFOs noticed the initiative and their visits around the stations increased and concentrated. The usual alien greetings to Earth were crop circles, created by some fields without breaking the plants, which was not possible in fraud imitations. The structure of the crop circles contained mathematical information, which proved their artificial origin so they might like the new idea and send a response. But they didn't. And SSS

Оценка произведения:
     01:22 09.03.2011
Dear author,

Please give some more time for reading. Did not finish yet first 23 pages of your novel.
And you are posting another 15 pages!

Книга автора
 Автор: Олька Черных