David Lehman
Come on in and stay a while
I'll photograph you emerging from the revolving doo
like Frank O'Hara dating the muse of modern artь
Talking about the big Pollock show is bette
than going to it on a dismal Saturday afternoo
when my luncheon partner is either the author or the subject
of The Education of Henry Adams at a hard-to-get-
a-table-at restaurant on Cornelia Street
just what is chaos theory anyway
I'm not sure but it helps explain "Autumn Rhythm"
the closest thing to chaos without crossing the border
I think you should write that book on Eakins and also the one
on nineteenth century hats the higher the hat the sweller the tof
and together we will come up with Mondrian in the grid of Manhatta
Gerald Murphy's "Still Life with Wasp" and the best Caravaggio in the country
in Kansas City well it's been swell, see you in Cleveland April 23
The reason time goes faster as you grow older is that each da
is a tinier proportion of the totality of days in your life.
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