Стихотворение «Groundhog Day»
Тип: Стихотворение
Раздел: Лирика
Тематика: Философская лирика
Темы: жизньмыслифилософиядушачеловекразмышленияО жизнибольгрустьтворчествоодиночествостихсмысл жизни
Читатели: 90 +1

Groundhog Day

My time has gone so far,
I’m stuck in endless cycle
And no one else around,
Just me and dull principle.

So give me final word
And let me fly away,
This pain already grown
I am the worst mistake.

My heart is little stone,
My eyes are filled with tears,
My body just a clown
Full of regrets and fears.

Take a look inside my brain,
You’ll see a deepest pit,
Take of your heavy chain
Continue living without me.
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Феномен 404 
 Автор: Дмитрий Игнатов